Our first farmers market ever was in May 2020. Starting a business in a pandemic is a scary prospect, but our incredible neighbors at the South Pearl Farmers Market—like Kristi of Sweet Viking Gourmet Foods—made it a lot less so. We are thrilled to be her booth neighbor again this year! To commemorate our friendship, our products, and the 4th of July, we came up with this easy rib recipe for you to try this holiday weekend or any time the craving strikes you.

NOTE: You will need two packs of Masi Masa Ras El Hanout Spice Blend!


Also in easy ras el hanout recipes to expand your repertoire

Masi Masa Falafel with Ras El Hanout image
Falafel with Ras El Hanout

Making falafel at home is easier than you think it is! Plus, learn how to cook with dried chickpeas.

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Skillet Root Veggie Latke with Ras El Hanout
Skillet Root Veggie Latke with Ras El Hanout

You’ll love this scrumptious mash-up of a bunch of latke recipes we found during the holidays with a special Masi Masa twist. 

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3 Ingredient Life-Changing Pulled Pork Recipe
3 Ingredient Life-Changing Pulled Pork Recipe

This recipe for three ingredient Life-Changing Pulled Pork was developed and guest written by our dear friend Kristbjorg Johnson.

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