With a mother and grandparents born and raised in Hawaii, I (Cindy AKA Masi) grew up eating chili on (Japanese) rice, both at home in El Cerrito, CA and at Zippy’s during our every-five-years trips to Oahu to visit family. Chili on rice is a THING in Hawaii, where mashups like this are all part of the greater culture (see: plate lunch).

(Zippy’s is an island fast food chain, also known for their saimin — ramen’s Hawaiian cousin).

In researching recipes in an attempt to recreate Zippy’s Chili, the one thing most people seem to agree on is the addition of mayo at the end. I don’t remember my mother doing this (if memory serves, she just served us Hormel’s from a can) and I haven’t been to Hawaii in almost 20 years, but we’re going with it because it really does make the chili extra yummy.

One ingredient Zippy’s does have that we’ve omitted is Portuguese sausage. Our thinking is that our Tikka Masala Spice Blend provides the smokey heat that the sausage does, while eliminating some of the fat (and meat, for us vegetarians making this with Beyond Meat). To bring in even more smokiness, try using fire-roasted tomatoes.

Feel free to check out our tips in the Recipe Notes!


Also in easy tikka masala recipes for every day of the week

Sheet Pan Tikka Masala Paneer
Sheet Pan Tikka Masala Paneer

Awhile back, baked feta pasta broke the internet. We decided to do our own take on the dish, starting with our Tikka Masala Spice Blend. 

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Tikka Masala (2018 Package Recipe) Image
Tikka Masala (Package Recipe)

This is the recipe that was on our original 2018 packaging. The big differences are less tomatoes and more yogurt.

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Roasted Tikka Potatoes Image
Roasted Tikka Potatoes

There is nothing easier than roasted vegetables. And nothing better than roasted potatoes, except roasted potatoes with a little Masi Masa Tikka Masala to add a flavor punch!

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